Yogi Bhajan on Wiki

Yogi Bhajan’s page on Wikipedia has some GEMS. For example, he was “the son of a graceful mother”. Who knew? An excerpt on his attitude toward homosexuality reads: “…Yogi Bhajan at first was shocked by the phenomenon. Through the 1970s and early 1980s, Yogi Bhajan taught that the condition could be cured through intensive yoga …

So, because of the nature of my gmail name, I get targeted banner ads that Google thinks are customized to my profile. I don’t know why, I don’t have anything set. I guess it’s just the nature of my goofy email address: sat gur schnrub I’ve gotten yoga ads, spirituality ads, kirtan and other devotional …

On Tolerance

For anybody that’s been able to catch the recent flick “Milk”, there’s probably no doubt that questions of the tolerance within your own family, friends, religion or culture would arise. Growing up in the ashram, I had to listen to a lot of homophobic, ignorant and intolerant remarks about homosexuality. To be fair, I had …

Amritsar 1983

Images of India float around the web. They bring up a lot of conflicting feelings. There we are smiling for the camera. Smiling for our parents back home, not yet knowing how disassociated we would become from them. It’s taken a long to time to have a parent/child relationship again – but now we’re adults, …


Black Friday. In the wee hours of the morning after Thanksgiving day, throngs, hoards and mobs of people storm the doors of big box stores all over America. Today at a Walmart in Long Island, these “shoppers” trampled a worker TO DEATH. Read the article here and be prepared to be utterly disgusted with humanity. …

Halloween, 1984

It’s hard to realize or even be aware of congruent events in one’s life until hindsight makes them clear. One of the things that I can recall about being a child in 3HO was this feeling of foggy confusion around what grown-ups were doing and discussing, and around big international events that seemed to be …


Being at a boarding school at such a young age was not easy, although it was at times fun. It did get more nerve-wracking the older I got, and the more independent I became, which I think was a sign that I was healthier than I thought, and ready to live my own life. Every …